C++ is one of the ever green programming languages and loved by millions of software developers. If you are a great C++ programmer then you will never sit without work and more importantly you will get highly paid for your work. ICE Technology provide best C++ language training in all over India.
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories over a period starting in 1979. Since C++ is an attempt to add object-oriented features (plus other improvements) to C, earlier it was called as “C with Objects”. As the language developed, Stroustrup named it as C++ in 1983. The name C++ suggests “C incremented” (recall the ++ is an increment operator of C).
C++ was made available outside Bell Laboratories in 1985. The first commercial C++ compiler, Cfront, was released in 1985. It was only a front-end compiler for C. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) formed a committee for (precise description of computer language) C++, in 1989. The first draft standards were published in 1995.
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